Friday, April 18, 2008

I Hate the U.S. Government

So you know what happens once I write an entry on volume? I promptly take lots of time off. Last night was my first full night of online play in ten days. Of course I did have two full live days in there, and there was one night when I played a few tournaments. But good lord. This seems to run a general trend where I hit a good cash, and then coast on my laurels for awhile. Of course, in poker a downswing is just around the corner, so I really shouldn't do this. But I'm lazy. So there's that.

Anyway, at one point last night, was chip leader in ap 30r, ft 30r, and fifth in chips in cake 30r with about 60 to go in each. Somehow didn't even cash in cake, lost a flip for 10th on ft, lost a flip for 8th on ap. Grrrr.

In other news, looks like epassporte is no longer going to serve US customers. There's another online bank account down the drain. Not sure what I'm going to do about that now. Checks will be fine for big cashes, but for funneling money back and forth not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe just trade with people. So fuck the US government.

Fuck the US Government, part II: I owed the IRS 10k in federal taxes on the 15th, and another 2200 to the state of Illinois. Apparently I'll be taxed at 35.5% from here on out, and that was at making 40k a year. Meanwhile, capital gains in this country are taxed at 15%. Nice progressive tax structure there. Anyway, I like my old tax rate when I was in law school much better. Of course, I dislike getting audited, which still isn't resolved for 2006.

Unrelated things that are awesome: ABC focusing on absolute non-issues/political nonsense during the Obama/Clinton debate, and people actually calling them on it! They are getting hammered. It's great.

1 comment:

People_Mover said...

so you file as "pro"??